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Rollin' with the Rhodes

We haven't seen it all, but it's on our list!

Follow along as our motley crew hits the open road and explores this wonderful country. From learning to live the minimalist life, to breaking free of our social norms and schedules, we will be first time roadschoolers, part time tourists, and full time nomads.

Home: Welcome

It's been a while...

Hey there out there… you, yeah you… How are things going for you? Seems all I do on here is talk about myself. Pretty selfish. Are you...

We'll see what happens...

A brief fireside chat with our engineer on the eve of moving day... Disclaimer: This was recorded all in good fun... we aren't driving...

We are finally moving again!!!

Good morning New England! We've been lying low the last few weeks. It's been very hot here and we've all been a little testy and bummed...

The Adventure begins...

From time to time, I will post a video of our travels. You can find them under the category "Videos". Here is my first video...

Quarantine thoughts....

What has changed for you and what will you hold onto when the world is again at your fingertips?

Deep in the heart of Texas...

We went to San Antonio today. A city with a population of 1.327 MILLION people, according to the 2010 census. We saw MAYBE 10 people. 5...

What did you do today?

What did you do today? I spent a considerable amount of my day with my electric fly zapper, chasing the damned pests away. Texas flies...

The Swiss Alps of Texas...

Good morning, Kalo Pascha and Kali Anastasi! (Happy Greek Easter!!) On Wednesday we went on our tour of the "Swiss Alps of Texas", which...

60 days in the hole....

Good morning! I have been trying to come up with something interesting to post for several days now, but nothing has seemed worthy. Life...

Barking spiders

Ok so here comes a very brief and not well thought out post from me involving my trials and tribulations from last night at 330am....

Snakes, ants, and ... SCORPION?!?

Quarantined... and things are going well. For some of neighbors, not so much. We're hearing lots of doors slamming, bits of arguments,...

Blessed be the Fruit

It's been a while since I posted. I guess that's because things have slowed down to a crawl. Both in our world, and yours. But not in the...

We met our first "crazies"

Guys, things are getting a little freaky out here on the road. Lots of rumors, mixed messages on the news... it's all a little...

A slight detour...

So, we did this thing... or I guess I should say, Val did this thing... We were leaving Dead River, with no idea where we were heading....

Dead River Landing

Enough of the mushy stuff... Thanks for being there virtually to hear me the other night. I appreciate knowing that we have friends at...


So a few days ago, or weeks, I don't know. Let's just call it recently. I forgot to sweep off our slide out (the part that makes the...

I hope you dance...

Hello again.. I hope everyone is staying healthy. We are all well. Staying quarantined in our tiny mobile unit. We have moved into...

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