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  • Writer's pictureM B

Crossing our fingers and toes!

We've been experiencing some unusual weather in the canyon area the past day or two. It's been cold and windy! Well I guess everything's relative but we have been accustomed to bottoming out at 80 degrees for months now and routinely almost hitting 100. Anything below 80 feels cold in this dry climate. Highs have been in the lower 70s the past 2 days and today we're only topping out at 55. Yikes! I know I know. New England. I do find it amazing how quickly one can be accustomed to what at home would be unheard of temperatures and intolerant temperatures that would be considered warm at home. We'll have to think about the ramifications of that.  It was a cold night in the RV due to a problem with the heat. It didn't work. Again. I was told it was 50 inside when Val woke up. No good. Upon waking up this morning I immediately began diagnosing the problem. After some tests and a hard reset of the climate control system (yes it has an embedded computer in it just like everything else on this RV) everything is functioning normally as of now.  Tonight will present a new set of challenges as it dips down to 25. You see when an RV full of water gets below freezing the pipes are supposed to be drained and the unit winterized with antifreeze or they could explode. This situation could force an abrupt end to our trip and a large insurance claim. The Colonel could be a total loss after an event like that. 

Since we don't have the local resources we don't have the option to prepare. We just need to cross our fingers and hope we don't wake up to a mess. Waking up warm is just a bonus. Good thing Val packed all of our New England cold weather gear including a multitude of blankets so we will be just fine under the covers as it's supposed to warm up again tomorrow. We also have other ways to heat the RV.  One thing for sure is it will be another sleepless night for yours truly. Stay safe and stay warm everyone and we'll do the same. Deal?

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